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Book Trailer for Strange Sheets

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Moment of Reflection.... I Thought I Knew

I stare off into space thinking back way back , maybe it was the picture that an old classmate posted on Facebook that triggered so many memories. A time when I knew everything so I thought come to find out at age 30 I actually had no clue...Which took me back to a time when I felt or rather I thought that I knew what Love was, its funny now that I think of it I just felt that when you Loved someone then that was suppose to be enough! I never thought about the compromising, working together to make things work or finding someone who is compatible versus finding someone who just takes your breath away on sight!

And the growing up getting out on my own after I made 18 now that was a trip because I wasn't really on my own until a few years later..Bills, bills and more bilss is what I got along with stress and bad credit!!! We at such a young age really convince ourselves that we know what we want out of life never taking time to actually make a plan and work on a blue print and the factthat there really isn't a force behind you to motivate and encourage you , somehow they've vanished! Somewhere along the way my dream vanished also.

I forgot about the passion, what really made me happy . Life took over and going immediately into survivor's mode I merely existed. Losing people to either death or by distance I lost a part of me and you can tell a person exactly what they mean to you but if they're not caring or feeling the same way..they vanish and deep inside thoughout life you hope and pray that somehow, some way the two of you would come back in contact but do you still have anything in common?

Now that I have a blue print and a clearer knowledge of what Love really is..Do I really know?

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