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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Writing Recipes
The following are general guidelines for writing and editing recipes. A standardized recipe is one that has been tested and is written to increase the probability that multiple people will achieve the same acceptable, standard product. It is written simply and clearly so that the process is easy to read, interpret, and do. It is also presented in a format that adds clarity and is visually appealing. Many published recipes are not standardized.

List all ingredients in order of use, as described in step-by-step instructions.

List the most important ingredients first, if it can be consistent with order of use.

List ingredients in order of quantity, if they are added at the same time.

Make sure all ingredients are listed.

Make sure all listed ingredients are included in instructions.

Use generic names of ingredients; avoid brand names.

Use common units of measure. (2 tablespoons instead of 1/8 cup)

Use the largest unit of measure. (1/4 cup instead of 4 tablespoons)

Use words, not abbreviations. (teaspoon instead of tsp)

State market unit with unit of measure in parenthesis. (onion.. one (1 cup sliced))

Preparation instructions

Include all tasks in preparation instructions. (Wash and slice celery; Preheat oven.)

State the size of pans and bowls. (large mixing bowl; 9-inch round pan)

Choose the most appropriate term for the task. (mince, chop, cube, slice)

Use concise, short sentences. Avoid unnecessary words such as "the".

Sequence steps of preparation to increase efficiency. (Prepping all fresh vegetables together).

State the level of heat on a stovetop. (cook over high heat; simmer on low heat)

State the power level of a microwave. (Microwave on HIGH.)

State the approximate cooking times. (Bake 18 to 20 minutes; Microwave 3 to 5 minutes)

State internal temperature for doneness of meat. (until thermometer registers 160)

State any visual tests for doneness. (until lightly brown; until toothpick comes out clean)

Other information

State the number of servings and serving size. (four 1/2 cup servings)

Make sure the title accurately describes the product. (Apple Muffin or Apple Cupcake)

Cite the source of a recipe. ("Recipe from" or "Recipe adapted from")

Additional guidance

Use an easy-to-read format.

Use a standard 12-point, sans-serif type. Avoid italics and unusual type faces.

Use lower case letters in ingredient list except for proper names. (onion; Swiss cheese)

Test all recipes. Revise ingredients as needed to increase product quality. Revise instructions as needed to increase clarity.

Ask others to test recipes. Repeat testing and revision, as needed.

Proofread recipes.

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