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Book Trailer for Strange Sheets

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Whore gone be a Whore....

Yes she is and that is Kim Kardashian, whom I adore really I do but her switching up with all of these men are not cute! Kim Kardashian and Halle Berry's ex-Gabriel Aubry had a very short lived fling—and it seems like Kim has already taken up with someone else: basketball player Kris Humphries!

Now Kim I am going to need you to slow the hell down, it's not a cute look! Here's a thought why don't you make a man work for you? I mean put in some serious courtship! Then maybe you can find your Prince Charming, hey what the hell do I know I'm a Lesbian...
I do know that a woman such as yourself should take her time and let the man court her, now I know you may not be sleeping with them(cough) but it still looks bad!!

Could this be a CRY for Help?

Inquiring minds want to know: Ever thought of doing the Lesbian thing? Just asking!!

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